Friday, September 30, 2011

GIS report

Just doing a report using GIS; the Murray Darling Depression mallee region. Yookamurra sanctuary has establish a small fenced area where endangered Indigenous fauna can exist. Boodies qualls, numbats, echidna, and others.<80% of Australian Indigenous mallee habitat has been cleared=ecological disaster looming and similar Global. Hate to be the one on the page who ruines the party but someones got do that hahaha :). The good new is that the little chaps in Yookamurra are doin fine and breeding up so well they need new areas for release of endangered species. Even their foraging pits are an integrual part of the ecology and soil health. You might be hearing more from me as we are coming out of shock from the colonial and migrant destruction of our habitat and beginnin to fight back :).

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