Friday, September 30, 2011

Tribal Politics

How and why am I involved with regional Tribal polatics in the Port Adelaide region. Because I am DNA to the region and Nagarrindjeri blood. The lore comes to me and my youngest daughter in the dreaming (a history spanning decades). We have been terrorised to suppress our identity for decades while other Tribals assisted the Gov and the developers to steal-develop Aboriginal land on the coast. I a...m nagotiating and assisting with the EPA (Environmental Protection Authority) and the council to create legal mandates that will satisfy both tribal and crown lore/law. I have statutory declarations attached to the Native Title application in the Federal court. We are a party to the native Title agreements and without us; lore/law can not be satisfied=all agreements to date are technically illegal as there is yet to be a determination made in the court. The area is an intertidal estuary region prone to shifting sands and silt movements=this region should not have been further developed and with climate change in the dreaming it will flood. We are warned in the dreaming and we dont change our story to suit the Governement, the council, the others, or the mafia. Our advice is and will remain=move from the region soon before there is a major environmental disaster.

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