Friday, September 30, 2011

Having spoken with Dr Murray Townsend from DENR, and having considered matters further, I have decided to comply with the request of Minister Caica, and to forward the information in the dreaming that relates to the coast to DENR via Dr Murray Townsend.

The issues of environmental damage to Indigenous resources and habitat are conjoined in the dreaming with Native Title matters that are linked t...o the State Government, business stakeholders and the local councils, as the areas affected are naturally connected to Ngarrindjeri-Ramindjeri and Kaurna lands. Peter Jamieson the deputy Mayor, Port Adelaide Enfield Council, Outer Harbour Ward Councillor, informed me last Thursday at the Port Adelaide Environmental Forum that 26 councils were intending to sign an agreement with the Kaurna associated to land use agreements etc. Peter suggested that I liaise with him related to this matter as I publicly expressed my concerns as to the importance of maintaining lore by the proper genetic representations in the regions. As you are aware we are a party to this matter as we hold documents expressing our connections in the Federal court that are attached to the correspondence file of the Kaurna Native Title application and indeed we are also connected historically-genetically in the dreaming.

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