Friday, September 30, 2011

Letter to Ms.bart EPA the dreaming

.Ms. Cheryl Bart, Chair of the Board
Contact: GPO Box 2607.
Adelaide SA 5001

Kym Maxwell
... 33 Thirteenth Avenue
Woodville North
PH 0402199159

Dear Ms. Bart and the Environmental Protection Authority Board.
Regarding to my invitation to attend a morning tea consultation session for Wednesday 14 September at Krystal Function Centre 5 Church Street Port Adelaide 10.30 am to 11.45 am; topics scheduled for discussion include.

• Emerging environmental issues in the Port Adelaide and LeFevre Penninsula
• How EPA or licensees engage with the community
• Ensuring accurate information is accessible to the community
In June 2001; I dreamed that I launched my boat to go fishing at Semaphore Park (see Fig 2) and tried to travel north but the sea became angry and forced me south towards Holdfast Shores Glenelg. I ended fishing in the main street and my boat sunk. My youngest daughter Isobel and I were clinging to the buildings (see Fig 1) (that were not yet built until 2004) and I was screaming for help. The day after the dream I went to the beach where I launched the boat and found that they were building a sand groin (offshore breakwater) at the very place I had dreamed (see Fig 2).

Fig 1: Holdfast Shore Development. (Google Maps)
This a part of a letter sent to the board of the EAP SA, I wll have to looad the coastal phots separately

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