Monday, June 25, 2012

Dream: The Ehmans and the Port Adelaide Wharfs

Dream; I dreamed that I was at the Fishermans Wharf Market (Port Adelaide wharfs) and I was standing ouside the market by the market wall. Valmae Ehmans, the market owner/manager came out and started accusing me of drawing on the wall hahahaha ;) I said Valmae I have not been drawing on the wall and she became very agetated and started yelling at me that I was. Because she had no evidence of me that she went on to say that she had caught me drinking 30 times hahahaha :). I have had the odd beer with my lunch hahaha :) but that is not a crime:).
Well; my family and I have put some stuff on the Facebook wall hahaha :) but only the truth about regional business that is associated to our Indigenous issues and Port Adelaide wharf developments. We have posted numerous dreams about the Fishermans Wharf market and the Ehmans as they have featured in our dreaming on numerous occasions since we have been associated with the Fishermans Wharf market on the Port Adelaide wharfs.
Draw your own conclusions as to our dreams:)

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