Monday, August 13, 2012

Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs and Aboriginal Health in Adelaide SA

Hello Minister Tony Abbott 

Regarding the email to your office Saturday 11 August 2012 titled "The Hells Angels in Aboriginal health"

It has come to my attention that there are two other outlaw motorcycle gangs implicated that we have been advised of, being the Rebels and the Long Riders. I witnessed the Long Riders attending Mr George Trevorrows funeral headed by the senior person I refer to who is closely associated to Nunkuwarren Yunti. In the dreaming (Indigenous knowledge perceived) I am aware that the outlaw gangs are creating safe house in the community to grow marijuana and they are providing the seeds and the apparatus. The dreaming indicates that the problems extend into the missions such as Wesley Uniting, Anglican's and  there is pressure on the staff not to report the full extent of the circumstances (bribes and criminal pressure). The dreaming indicates that the Tafe system and employment agencies are also affected by the outlaw gangs. It appears that persons can obtain a certificate four from Tafe that allows them to work as social workers and also to work in the legal departments such as the Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement. The dreaming would indicate that the extents of corruption and drug related crime within the areas I speak is extensive and extremely damaging to both the well being and the integrity of the Aboriginal people and the greater community associated. I have no doubt that the cultivation of and the State assisted trade in an  illegal substance such as marijuana is assisting with the distribution and production of harder drugs distributed and produced by outlaw motorcycle gangs and their associates (street gangs) 
In the dreaming; I understand that via union and organised crime involvement that the employment agencies such as Wesley and Maxima are also affected by the drug/crime related economies.
Because I have a zero tolerance for substance abuses within my family and because I am a senior Aboriginal person and lore/law maker I am targeted by the associates of crime. As you are aware the legal system, SAPOL, and certain regional business has become implicated and compromised (criminal factions). In turn the activities within Native Title and The Aboriginal Land Trust areas have been compromised by organised criminal involvements (land, resources theft).
Because we are Aboriginal and endemic to this region such matters related to the exploitation's of lore have been extremely damaging to my family and because of the extent and the involvement of senior community persons it has become acceptable that my family is dammed by organised crime, corrupt business and Government officials while Aboriginal property, resources and rights are plundered.
I ask you Mr Abbott, do you choose to be implicated into this matter and do you choose to be marked as a subsidizer to the continuances of systemic crime in the community relating to Outlaw Motor Cycle gangs, property corruption, drug trading and the associated business and mafias?
I have developed ideas in the dreaming that might assist with resolutions to the problems. Whilst my family is being terrorized by organized crime and we remain  underemployed and without adequate means, I have been forced into a position of disadvantage due to the terrorism's and bullying against us. I understand that we are making progress with these problems but it has been at great personal cost to myself and my family. 
I am looking forward to your comments as I will be using this recital of allegations as background information associated to other issues of problems I have with Maxima, DEWA, Gov land corporations, developers, unions, the councils (LGA), the mining industry and the Environmental Protection Authority (mining, corruption and cadet ship). The dreaming indicates that there are issues related to development, site contamination (aquifers), Aboriginal lands and the mining industry. Add sea rise to that (in the dreaming previously) and on the front page of the Advertiser yesterday.  The total Government and agencies is now appearing as an inadequate joke and a disaster of policies waiting to happen. This email is not an official report but it is a note of warning in the dreaming that it is not wise to compromise matters of  lore/law.

Kym Maxwell Ramindjeri-Ngarrindjeri person, endemic to our region (genetic=DNA does not lie in the dreaming)
"I am most sad to report that Uncle George Trevorrow has passed away.
The leader of the Ngarrindjeri people is gone, and everyone is in
mourning. We are uncertain about what comes next. George touched many
people and is loved the world over. Please let your networks know.

The funeral is next Thursday, 10th March at Meningie Uniting Church,
with the celebration after at Camp Coorong. Please pass the word

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