Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Department of Human Service 19198: Denies any Knowlege of My Aboriginal Family: The Genocide of the Adelaide Region Ngarrindjeri is ON: The Hell Would Intensify for Us and the Organised Criminal Terrorisms of our family

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kym
    It is sad to see you've suffered so much at the hands of we whitefellas', Caucasian cousins' conquered, "Christian", conquesting Crowned Colonising, Corporate, "Commonwealth of Australia Letters Patent" 6 Jul 1900 since 1 Jan 1901 from those 19 Feb 1836 "South Australia Letters Patent". Have you made contact yet then with Ramindjeri Sovereign Spokesman Karno Lancelot Gilbert Walker and his Ramindjeri family?

    I strongly urge you therefore to do so as I've and many others have since I stood for democracy with the Australian Democrats Kingston Candidate Campaign 2007.

    With respects,
    Matthew Fowler 0468 348 789
