Sunday, June 24, 2012

The White Australia Policy; The Forced Assimilation Policy; Genocide

From: Maxwell, Kym Thomas - maxkt001
Sent: Monday, 25 June 2012 12:46 AM
Subject: FW: Tracing Family History
Hello Darren Becker and the Hon JOHN RAU MP. Deputy Premier. Attorney-General
Nunku Warren Yunti (the Summners), Adelaide University (CSM, Wilto Yerlo and Legal), Fisherman Wharf Market, Smith of Port Adelaide (managed by the Ehmans), The Office of the Public Trustee (factions within the disabled community), The Environmental Protection Authority, Certain Mining companies (iron and salt) the Crown Solicitors office, Indigenous Land Corporation, Land Management Corporation, Adelaide developments (construction companies and unions) and SAPOL.  Factions within  these parties (stake holders) have featured as a part of our dreaming (Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property) and we are alleging that they are implicated into the damages to our family.
Again we suspect that our vehicle was tampered with yesterday and we are taking to the repair shop again. Could you please prepare an inventory of all the damages costs to our house and vehicle that have occurred over the past 20 years as we would like to assess those damages. Please respond.

Rachael and Kym Maxwell

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