Monday, August 13, 2012

Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs and Aboriginal Health in Adelaide SA

Hello Minister Tony Abbott 

Regarding the email to your office Saturday 11 August 2012 titled "The Hells Angels in Aboriginal health"

It has come to my attention that there are two other outlaw motorcycle gangs implicated that we have been advised of, being the Rebels and the Long Riders. I witnessed the Long Riders attending Mr George Trevorrows funeral headed by the senior person I refer to who is closely associated to Nunkuwarren Yunti. In the dreaming (Indigenous knowledge perceived) I am aware that the outlaw gangs are creating safe house in the community to grow marijuana and they are providing the seeds and the apparatus. The dreaming indicates that the problems extend into the missions such as Wesley Uniting, Anglican's and  there is pressure on the staff not to report the full extent of the circumstances (bribes and criminal pressure). The dreaming indicates that the Tafe system and employment agencies are also affected by the outlaw gangs. It appears that persons can obtain a certificate four from Tafe that allows them to work as social workers and also to work in the legal departments such as the Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement. The dreaming would indicate that the extents of corruption and drug related crime within the areas I speak is extensive and extremely damaging to both the well being and the integrity of the Aboriginal people and the greater community associated. I have no doubt that the cultivation of and the State assisted trade in an  illegal substance such as marijuana is assisting with the distribution and production of harder drugs distributed and produced by outlaw motorcycle gangs and their associates (street gangs) 
In the dreaming; I understand that via union and organised crime involvement that the employment agencies such as Wesley and Maxima are also affected by the drug/crime related economies.
Because I have a zero tolerance for substance abuses within my family and because I am a senior Aboriginal person and lore/law maker I am targeted by the associates of crime. As you are aware the legal system, SAPOL, and certain regional business has become implicated and compromised (criminal factions). In turn the activities within Native Title and The Aboriginal Land Trust areas have been compromised by organised criminal involvements (land, resources theft).
Because we are Aboriginal and endemic to this region such matters related to the exploitation's of lore have been extremely damaging to my family and because of the extent and the involvement of senior community persons it has become acceptable that my family is dammed by organised crime, corrupt business and Government officials while Aboriginal property, resources and rights are plundered.
I ask you Mr Abbott, do you choose to be implicated into this matter and do you choose to be marked as a subsidizer to the continuances of systemic crime in the community relating to Outlaw Motor Cycle gangs, property corruption, drug trading and the associated business and mafias?
I have developed ideas in the dreaming that might assist with resolutions to the problems. Whilst my family is being terrorized by organized crime and we remain  underemployed and without adequate means, I have been forced into a position of disadvantage due to the terrorism's and bullying against us. I understand that we are making progress with these problems but it has been at great personal cost to myself and my family. 
I am looking forward to your comments as I will be using this recital of allegations as background information associated to other issues of problems I have with Maxima, DEWA, Gov land corporations, developers, unions, the councils (LGA), the mining industry and the Environmental Protection Authority (mining, corruption and cadet ship). The dreaming indicates that there are issues related to development, site contamination (aquifers), Aboriginal lands and the mining industry. Add sea rise to that (in the dreaming previously) and on the front page of the Advertiser yesterday.  The total Government and agencies is now appearing as an inadequate joke and a disaster of policies waiting to happen. This email is not an official report but it is a note of warning in the dreaming that it is not wise to compromise matters of  lore/law.

Kym Maxwell Ramindjeri-Ngarrindjeri person, endemic to our region (genetic=DNA does not lie in the dreaming)
"I am most sad to report that Uncle George Trevorrow has passed away.
The leader of the Ngarrindjeri people is gone, and everyone is in
mourning. We are uncertain about what comes next. George touched many
people and is loved the world over. Please let your networks know.

The funeral is next Thursday, 10th March at Meningie Uniting Church,
with the celebration after at Camp Coorong. Please pass the word

Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Ngarrindjeri/Ramindjeri, Aboriginal Health and the Hells Angels

Hello Minister Tony Abbott
I recently emailed your office expressing discontent with your support of racism against light skinned Aboriginal people such as myself. The security of our family and the community relies upon the maintenance of our Aboriginal ID as others may take opportunity over us (the Aboriginal people) if our true ID is compromised in any way. You must understand that this type of slander against fair skinned Aboriginal families is not acceptable. I will sight a problem of issue for your interest and remember that there have already been to many deaths due to poor policy and behavior. My understandings are well known and this article has been published. We can no accept to be tortured by organised crime to suit you your Government or anyone. This article will be published both on Facebook and our blog as a permanent record. 9/12/12

In the dreaming (Ramindjeri) 
Ramindjeri: If two Aboriginal elders talk we can make lore. Some crimes in our community require the death penalty; if not actually but most certainly in a spiritual way and the two things may mean the same. I am not advocating that I will take someones life; but indeed if you believe in the bone (lore) then people will be affected once they are found guilty of serious breaches in lore and it is agreed by the elders. Consequently Aboriginal elders are reluctant to speak and when we do our words are few and chosen carefully, often reaching determinations that may be a final decree in lore, depending upon the conversation.
Recently I discovered that our Aboriginal health system has been infiltrated by the Hells Angels (an outlawed motorcycle gang) and that at least one of our people associated is a member of that group. By my Indigenous knowledge I am aware that the Hells Angels group has
 had contracts on me and are responsible for grievous harm to our family and business spanning three decades. I also understand that others have assisted the gang to stay in control of Aboriginal business for reasons of personal gain.
It is my understanding that once anyone becomes a member of the Hells Angels they can not leave the gang accept by death. I also understand that there are strict codes of conduct by which, if gang requests are not carried out that the person requested to arms will be executed.
I am alleging that there is a request by the Hells Angels to there associate in Aboriginal health, for me to be tortured and for my families similar demise, so that the Hells Angels can continue running Ramindjeri business.
My determinations are that Hells Angells have breached lore/law and because of that I will not agree to their determinations. The resolve for them may be, by their law, either to execute my family group in total or to execute their associate who is linked to Aboriginal health services.
The Government, business, SAPOL (police) and the other stake holders under lore/law should intervene to stop further blood shed that is being caused by the interventions of organised crime into Aboriginal business organizations such as health (Nunkuwarrin Yunti ), the missions (Wesley), and the bureaucracy linked (in the dreaming the will of the bone will be executed in lore).

Friday, July 27, 2012

More of the Story:Fascists in the System

More of the story and letters to my employers
email 19 July 2012 8.46 am
Mari Yerta is described as a men's and youth group. Mari Yerta is an Aboriginal corporation that is being funded as a part of the Native Title agreements and Government/company grants etc. This brings up a legal point as to equal opportunity for gender benefits to be fair.
I need to do some work today to enter another slide or two into the lecture to cover gender issues. Primarily the problems that might occur at Mari Yerta are clearly their problems and the staff and students should not be implicated into determinations of lore/law. I will make the gender information fair and equitable including men's and woman's business and I will site examples as to how woman are very much a part of Aboriginal economy in all tradition(for instance the woman did a very tough job with fire stick farming and indeed they were equal to the men when gathering resources and thus in that tradition it is my opinion that they should receive equal shares in any equity such as work, training, employment and education).
Stan could you please share this with Michelle as I don't have Michelle's email and could yo remind her that I need access to the forum. I presume I will get an email today.
I will do some work on the gender thing and suggest that we let the corporation work out the issues in lore/law. Let me know if you want to meet to discuss this in more detail.
Kym Maxwell

Records: Drug Dream on Facebook: Cant Find It

I seem to have lost the post on Facebook about the dream around the 20 July 2012 about the marijuana plant I was growing, the seceteurs, and the guy in the shop asking me if I wanted grow a crop for him.
So happens that we have a big problem with drugs in the Western Subburbs of Adelaide and two of my daughters have been affected by contact with drug related organised crime.
ps I dont use illicit drugs and I have had people dealt with by the authorities who do. Want to work with me, or want me to work for you, then dont involve me or my family with illicit drugs. This links into the female fascist dream and the school because of drug links to the school. We have other dreams that warn us that we do not post. Ngarrindjeri Dreaming is Intellectual Knowledge shared.

Dates Events and Dreams Match to Warn Us

Dates events and dreams add up, this saves us from villification by middle classed fascists in the system and from being further accused of slander and bullying. We know well who the bullies are. In the Dreaming we are a Ngarrindjeri family and we all dream

The Dream and the Fear of the Facsists

This a Dream: There was white a guy and two children in my kitchen cooking food. I thought what are they there for but didnt mind the intruders. Suddenly the guy got anxious and started running away with the children. Then a very angrey  female appeared outside my house and hurled an object at my screen door.  Then I was confronted with a mob of feamales and they started getting bitchy and criticising me. They were saying that I was getting money from my market stall and insinuating that I was dishonest etc.
I remember now that I sent this dream via email to my work colleuages July 19 2012 8.46 am

The dream 1 last night; I dreamed that there was a middle aged man with his two children using my kitchen and he was cooking food. At first it was OK but suddenly he became afraid and left because a woman was pursuing him. He left and the woman hurled an object at our house door and was very angry. I was looking for my wife and daughter but they had vanished from our house. In the dream I was quite distressed at the attack and the disappearance of my family.(my house is an Aboriginal house because my wife, my daughter and I are identify to be Australian Aboriginal and we all dream similarly related to issues) The absense of the woman from the house makes a point to me.

Dream 2 last night; I was being challenged by young females and they were saying that I was getting money from my business (we have a small hobby market stall) and I was saying that any money we earn only covers our communications and costs (in fact we dont make a profit and my wife and daughter run the stall for there activity, enjoyment therapy and for my daughters work experience) The young woman in the dream were angry and very agressive towards me

Femanist Fascists in the Dreaming

Ok the dream. Remember I was being attacked by white, middle class, femanaist type, fascist, females. Well it did not take long to manifest into a real life event. My thirteen year old daughter drank whiskey at highschool and was pissed when my wife went to pick her up. The principle immediately jumped to conclusions and put it into my daughters head that she was suffering depression. Being a pissed thirteen year old she was mumbling about this and throwing up.
1 This is a one of event and my daughter is not a habitual drunk or a depressive type.
I was then attacked by the school councellor suggesting that my daughter have a phychiatric assessment. I immediately saw RED as I dont want my child to be slandered with a phychiatric record at thirteen because of one stupid incident. Imediately the defences were made to protect our daughter from this invasive attitude. She does not want to see a phyc and being a young Aboriginal girl and a Title holde...r I dont blame her. These people are acting out the WHITE AUSTRALIA POLICY of the sixties in the beauro and the EDU system and intent to stop my family from accessing employment and education. While we the Aboriginal people are being deprived of our heritage rights our property and intellectual due to legal manourvers, property is being squandered by middle class facsists in the system.
When you meet a middle class femanist facsist it is hard to mistake that and equally hard to mistake the feeling of FEAR IN YOUR GUTS. These people are linked to organised crime, bikers, street gangs and other hierarchy who work for them to terrorise any who threaten their gravy train. Some of theses femanists fascists are coloured people who who have sold out due to favours and fear of retributions from these dangerous facsist gangsters who lurk in the beauro and SAPOL. "noli timere terra exulta et laetare quoniam magnificavit Dominus ut faceret" There is more to this issue and revenge is the Lords

Monday, June 25, 2012

Beware of the Indigenous Whistle Blower; In the Dreaming Nothing like an Indigenous Whisle blower :) In the dreaming; be aware and take care.

Dream; Dad Rear Ends Us Again

I dreamed that my father (in his eighties) deliberately rear end my car; pretended it was an accident and then did it again.
Looks like a better car is coming our way; as it is in the dreaming, car damage =a new and better opportunity on the horizon.

Could be something to do with the European economic crash and the need to protect Indigenous holdings from the ensuing fire sale.

The NCA can make people Quiet and Invisible

Dream; SAPOL, a Police car was parked outside of or house.
There is our family, SAPOL and our allegations of Police corruption.
The NCA can make people go a away=disapear also.

Dream: Disability Services: Mafia Style

Dream; I was talking to a person in a chair and he started to speak about me in a derogatory way. I cut the conversation short and said that I will restrict our communications to writing only.
I noted that the person looked well to do but n...oted also that he had a severe disability. I have noted that in the dreaming and in the world that due to our forced involvements with disability organisations, due to injuries sustained, we have been severely disadvantaged and injured further (due to criminal intimidations)
We actually dont personally mind if the disabled community derived a benefit from Indigenous holdings; but we would frefer that they negotiate agreements rather than using criminal forces to realise there ideals and the same could be said for the Education departments and Family and Communities and Indigenous health (disabled criminals and fascists, what next?)
See more

Dream: The Ehmans and the Port Adelaide Wharfs

Dream; I dreamed that I was at the Fishermans Wharf Market (Port Adelaide wharfs) and I was standing ouside the market by the market wall. Valmae Ehmans, the market owner/manager came out and started accusing me of drawing on the wall hahahaha ;) I said Valmae I have not been drawing on the wall and she became very agetated and started yelling at me that I was. Because she had no evidence of me that she went on to say that she had caught me drinking 30 times hahahaha :). I have had the odd beer with my lunch hahaha :) but that is not a crime:).
Well; my family and I have put some stuff on the Facebook wall hahaha :) but only the truth about regional business that is associated to our Indigenous issues and Port Adelaide wharf developments. We have posted numerous dreams about the Fishermans Wharf market and the Ehmans as they have featured in our dreaming on numerous occasions since we have been associated with the Fishermans Wharf market on the Port Adelaide wharfs.
Draw your own conclusions as to our dreams:)

Wharf Woes in the Western Suburbs of Adelaide

The panic is on. Fire sales in the Port Adelaide wharf development and the closure of the Port Partners office as land prices and developments crash. Why? Could be climate change impacting in a delta region, could be other environmental iss...ues linked to site contamination and broader background contaminations. Either way things dont look good for the wharf developments (developments made on lands on the river bank that were previously Crown/Indigenous property). Possible impending flooding, legal problems, site contamination, lack of EIS reports, air pollution problems and general gackground chemical contamination, all in an eco hot spot. It is almost as if this community and the developers are cursed because of their poor mangement (caring for country) within the region. Over two decades back I rang the Port Adelaide council and complained because they dumped rocks on kilometers of mangroves along the river bank. They told me that I should have faith in there actions and then the troubles started and persecutions of our Indigeneous family intensified (bikie contracts on us organised by local companies). It does not look good for the region and indeed we might end with internal refugees due to climate change and landuse changes. But this time it will be European and Indigenous peoples affected.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

The White Australia Policy; The Forced Assimilation Policy; Genocide

From: Maxwell, Kym Thomas - maxkt001
Sent: Monday, 25 June 2012 12:46 AM
Subject: FW: Tracing Family History
Hello Darren Becker and the Hon JOHN RAU MP. Deputy Premier. Attorney-General
Nunku Warren Yunti (the Summners), Adelaide University (CSM, Wilto Yerlo and Legal), Fisherman Wharf Market, Smith of Port Adelaide (managed by the Ehmans), The Office of the Public Trustee (factions within the disabled community), The Environmental Protection Authority, Certain Mining companies (iron and salt) the Crown Solicitors office, Indigenous Land Corporation, Land Management Corporation, Adelaide developments (construction companies and unions) and SAPOL.  Factions within  these parties (stake holders) have featured as a part of our dreaming (Indigenous Knowledge and Intellectual Property) and we are alleging that they are implicated into the damages to our family.
Again we suspect that our vehicle was tampered with yesterday and we are taking to the repair shop again. Could you please prepare an inventory of all the damages costs to our house and vehicle that have occurred over the past 20 years as we would like to assess those damages. Please respond.

Rachael and Kym Maxwell

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Dropped Into the State Records Office; Nothing Has Changed

Hello minister Caica and to your office.

Due to my circumstances within the tertiary system, my employment and my future studies there are matters of concern for me that relates to inconsistencies within the State data base. It appears that the census data base conflicts with the State records relating to the Indigenous status of persons and that has and is causing issues of problem and conflict for our family. If the State records data base is in fact inconclusive it might be argued that the Australian Government Native Title legislation that is conjoined to those records could be brought into question as to its functionality and viability. My personal experience as an Indigenous person related to this matter of Indigenous Identity has caused us grievous harm and damages that spans decades. I am keen to progress with this matter in a positive way to create legal parameters and understandings that might assist the State and our family to reconcile this matter. I have written to the office of minister Michael O'brien in brief and in good faith and I will proceed with my work as I can do best under these circumstances. Employment or a lack of due to our involvement into this matter has caused great losses to my family and we are alleging that criminal forces implicated to various associated issues of corruption have damaged us, spanning decades of abuse.

Kym Maxwell

From: Maxwell, Kym Thomas - maxkt001
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2012 9:04 AM
To: Winslow, Laura (DPC)
Subject: RE: Tracing Family History
Hi Laura and minister Michael O'brien
In regards to the loss of Indigenous records associated to my great grandmother Olive Alma Caire and the photograph that I hold showing Alma as a member of the Fisc Jubilee singers in the early 1900s.
I have had a similar response before but that does not satisfy my requirements as there are issues associated to this matter that require further investigations as your data base is obviously not conclusive. To be separated from our lands and heritage by the destruction of our history and ID is paramount to the attempted genocide of our family. It is unfortunate that the State Government has not managed our affairs and records in a way that did not cause myself and my family grievous harm spanning decades. There are obviously problems associated to the law/lore and the existing State history and the existing records (family trees) In my dreaming (Indigenous Knowledge) I understand that there are many issues of problem and including problems of environmental damage to my country because we (My family) and our country has been abused by intruders to our lands. It appears that those who have been managing the caring for country have failed within their duty of care. This is just the tip of the iceberg; in my dreaming there are grievous and wicked problems yet to fully emerge and this relates to further damages to the country that have been exposed in our dreaming. This has all stemmed from an initial corruption of State records and one could say that this situation has been abused by the legal fraternity and indeed has caused a curse upon our land. When I have looked into this matter further and collated all of my evidence and my story I will contact the minister who oversees the department and explain why I am concerned as to what has occurred and the associated criminality that has accompanied the cover up of our families Indigenous identity. Via various methods of consultation and cooperation, advice given from State legal services, I have made progress with this matter but I am still not satisfied as to how my family is being treated and discriminated against due to the circumstances I have described. Thankyou for confirming that State records has failed within their duty of care for certain Indigenous peoples.

Kym Maxwell

From: Winslow, Laura (DPC) []
Sent: Thursday, 21 June 2012 4:55 AM
To: Maxwell, Kym Thomas - maxkt001
Subject: Tracing Family History
Our Reference: SR11/00277
Document No: D12/03923
Dear Kym,      
In reply to your visit to State Records on the 21st June, 2012 and request for family history information in relation to your Great Grandmother: Alma Duffy (nee Caire) and Grandmother: Kathleen Arthur (nee Duffy) and Mother: June Maxwell (nee Arthur).      
I have conducted a name search for all three ladies on the Aboriginal Information Management System (AIMS) database and did not find any record entries for any of the above-named person(s).
Therefore, I am unable to assist you in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Laura Winslow
State Records

Thursday, June 14, 2012

One Might Expext Some Negative Aspects to Oppose Positive Ideas

I had a dream last night. I was talking about pyrolysis, C sequestration and bio-fuel-char production and a nasty man resembling a bureaucrat said "who was I to think I could save the world by implementing fuel production". I replied I have a right to say what I want to and that if we went into business no one could stop us proposing anything (business proposals are legal documents). He replied; you... wont be going into busines and turned his back to me.
Inspiration might be sparked in many ways; including the attempted denials of basic of human rights and the will to assist humanity.
mmmm more
Recent Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis Articles
Recently published articles available on ...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Isobels Dream: There is More to This Matter to Be Revealed.

Isobels Dream as narated in person by Isobel Maxwel a 13 year old girl. "Isobel was in a house with freind and her mother and another lady. The freind and her mum started dressing in provocative lingerie and two men arrived at the house. They asked Isobel if she wanted to join in and Isobel replied no. Isobel escaped from the house and ran out and told a Police officer and the Policeman banged on ...the door and said to the people inside, get out. Then two of Isobels close freinds were waiting outside and and the three freinds hid in bushes.
Two days later Isobel and a freind were waiting for a bus near our house and a male person tried to lure them into his car. They made a run for it and we reported the incident to the Police.
Heres the news=this is now documented and we might know who is behind the abuse and we will talk about this more as matters progress in the dreaming.

Monday, June 11, 2012

What Have You Done? Where are the Stats? How Many perished Because of NT Law?

Sick of racism and corruption in the USA, Europe, Asia and Africa; then add Australia. If I was to list the names of the prominent people associated to organised crime and Police corruption within SAPOL then a bitter fude would errupt within Indigenous politics. The people of whom I speak; some being Indigenous are linked to established religeous, legal, political and economic groups who are locked into dubious Indigenous resouces uses. They are not afraid or adverse to using/abusing women and children for their own gain and protection. There are obvious links into main stream Federal and State Politics. From little things big things grow.

I am Praying for You Either Way

You got that :) I am not in a good mood. My daughter had dreams a couple of nights ago and they are revealing to my daughter and to me. More will be written to documnet matters to protect our family from the attacks upon us by organised crime. The fingers of the mafia are long and go into many places. As you can see in Australia prominent well known people can be murdered whilst in custody.
We are linked to this murder via Indigenous rights issue (and signs left for us before the murder ) (in the dreaming Indigenous Knowledge=two Police cars crashed into each other) Lets waite and see what comes next=we will document matters in summary.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Facebook Posts

Sometimes in the dreaming (Indigenous Knowledge) I can see that I am being set up by someone close to me and others implicated (sometimes even close family members and friends are used). The tactic is to keep the faith and go along with the game but dont take the bait. Draw the players out and test them to the wire in the game, while observing the dreams; consequently incriminating them and exposing their true intentions if a criminal play is attempted. The more enticing the game=the harder to resist to play=but not to take the bait. There is a line in the sand where those who are not criminally minded wont cross. It is not a good thing to assist organised criminals.
Funny how a time span of observing corruption uncovers the players. Over a span of decades you keep seeing the same old people doing the same things over and over. The same dirty than dirtier tricks, using the same gangsters and tactics. But we have also seen many of them die, yes turned it in, gone t heaven, hung up the boots, its all over now and we have noted their presence in the dreaming. So we dreamed about them, identified them, watched the corruption and saw them die due to their actions. There is only one question=who will be the next person to violate lore and die, in the dreaming.

They can always extort Indigenous Title and resources :). They just have to go in to the court and purger themselves to sell a phony story to the judge. It would help if all the genuine Title holders were murdered but that might be a bit obvious and messy. These people have a big enough mess now to contend with and they are litterally standing in it. Just have to put the blinkers and believe what I see. Civil liberties are a good idea=just depends who has cornered the right to the rights=hope its not who I think it is.
  • Will be interesting to see how bitter and dirty things get. The dreaming indicates that we are being worked on by some who come as wolves in sheeps clothing. How good are they, the companies that hire organised crime to extort Indigenous funds from the State?
    The dreaming would indicate that this all has something to do with the mining indutry. People keep mentioning and I keep seeing deals being done with them, by some. Little deals that really are not worth shit deserve shit back :). Win or loose=if it smells like shit, looks like shit, feels like hit and tastes like shit=its got to be shit:).
  • An Italian freind of mine who owned a restaurant was drunk one morning and having breakfast on the side walk outside his place with a blonde 18 year old who was wearing no nickers (it looked that way). His hair was mess and she screamed at him your an old man. He replied in a calm way "no I am not an old man, I m an older man". Growing old disgracefully :).
  • If you live long enough :)The enemies of this generation might pass on. Thats how old guys win hahahah :)do you likeb that idea?
  • The dreaming has warned me to watch my step. I might just do that and be patient. It is better to put your money on one fast horse than to hope that two hundred hacks might win a race. What the hell anyway. Have a good day all :)
  • Saturday, May 26, 2012

    The Unions and the International Business Stake Holder
    I really must pay more attention to my blog and update the dreaming (Indigenous Knowledge). The latest dreams=indicate=Problems with India=International stake holders=and the mining companies in Australia=Indigenous Employment=and improvements in living standards could be the key to a resolution. The Unions and International players could also fight for improved conditions for Indigenous stake holders. In fact I think they are,will soon be do that. In the Dreaming

    A Reminder; Nostalgia While Progressing with the Reconciliation Porcesses

    La Cosa Nostra: History of the New York Mafia
    An excerpt from this critically acclaimed national TV special about the history of the Mafia in New York.

    Monday, January 9, 2012

    New Boys organised Crime Connections to the Kaurna-Ngarrindjeri/Karuna

    just take a break to put my posts about the New Boys on my blog :)

    • Nunku Warren Yunti feature also with Biker links as associates to the Kaurna/Karuna=Aboriginal Health

      • We have a long history of complaints associated to the Kaurna/Karuna and the AOS assistants with the Port Adelaide Police=corrupted reports

        • Uncle Lewis Obrien and Georgina William feature as leaders of the Kaurna/Karuna :):) and Police corruption also feature

          • I have a long standing association with the Hells Angels the Marion Council and the Kaurna/Karuna :):)

            • Karuna Arts Yoga
              Local business · 160 likes..LikeKaruna Center for Yoga & Healing Arts
              25 Main St. 3rd Floor · Northampton, Massachusetts · 01060
              Government & community · Yoga & pilates
              2 were here · 69 likes..LikeKaruna Arts Goddess & Peace Interfaith Prayer Flags
              ... Small business · 45 likes..LikeKaruna Crafts & Arts
              Artist · 12 likes..LikeKaruna art's & social club
              Arts/Humanities · Like..Karuna Arts Yoga
              Open group · Business
              .30 members.LikeKaruna Arts Yoga
              Company · Community Page · 12 likes..Karuna Haber
              Works at Sacred Movement Arts Center
              Lives in Austin, Texas
              .Send message.Karuna Arts..LikeKaruna Center for Yoga and Healing Arts
              University · Community Page · 3 likes.
              Kaurna=Karuna=there are Indian links into the Ngarrindjeri Native Title unit and with my eldest daughter Carrie Maxwell=her ex=now in prison=Michael Edwards=see if they want to accept my frind request and talk about this more :):)
              See more
              · · · 19 minutes ago

              • children with links to organised crime can be used to infiltrate and undermine families=re Native Title=the Kaurna

                • New Boys Link to Aboriginal Arts and the Marion Council

                  • my daughter said to me the other night=I am going to kill you in your sleep tonight=and I think she meant it=I thought about that for a while and then went and saw her=I said dont worry about it dear=there are lots and lots of woman who want to kill me=I am used to it