Friday, September 30, 2011

legal Matters

Kym Maxwell
Why I cant write this story up and provide visual evidence; we have no legal representation, the state set it up so we remain excluded from recieving assistance for legal requirements and state lawyers and others wont support our requirements=the purest form of legal corruption and the convolution of legislations and policies. I am extremely overworked with this problem and lack of sup...port; we have to keep working with one hand, and fighting the State, developers, lawyers and organized crime with the other. I think that it is called fascism or something close to that. Well there are two types of cleansing; there is ethnic and Indigenous cleansing due to fascist behaviours and there is fascist cleansing due to natural disasters and environmental damages. Have you considered that we may be now overdue for a Global rethink of sustainable-social priorities?

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