Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Many different thoughts and issues.

Pot holes in the road dream at Port Adelaide SA. As I have realised=community arts and projects are intertwined into the negotiations over Aboriginal landuse agreements. The Ngarrindjeri-Ramindjeri dreaming is incorporated into those agreements and should be cosidered and accounted. The local councils have always been associated into issues of landuse, planning and zoning. If Indigenous Title and habitat is violated due to encroachments, that appears in the dreaming.

which company can I work for as a environmental scientist=the first companies that agree to make resources rational and equity retention their agenda to create sustainable agriculture and Indigenous habitat protection=is there anyone out there?

Peak oil being the situation where oil reserves are in critical decline (Wiki) Is this the time to be destroying the last of the Indigenous habitat (food bowls)=that are essential for critical human needs? (near future)=Governments need to understand=reationalisation of natural resources is the future aganeda of all business=profit

Famine Afluence and Morality (Peter Singer 1972) Who would have believed then that Western World would be close to the brink of a world wide food shortage in 2011.

Begin with the assumption that suffering and death from lack of food, shelter, and medical care are bad. I think most people will agree about this, although one may reach the same view by different routes. I shall not argue for this view. People can hold all sorts of eccentric positions, and perhaps from some of them it would not follow that death by starvation is in itself bad.

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