Saturday, December 31, 2011

Sorry to bring it up again but?

From: Liberal HQ []
Sent: Sunday, 1 January 2012 12:48 AM
To: Maxwell, Kym Thomas - maxkt001
Subject: Tony Abbott's 2012 New Year Message

There are a few long term issues associated to organised crime that we are dealing with that need resolutions. I will continue to post my views in the social media associated to the biker gangs, the associates, the Kaurna, the New Boys and the development on Crown lands (Aboriginal holdings) that have not been paid for (Indigenous knowledge in the dreaming). It is my intentions to call for a settlement over property miss appropriated and the developments upon those properties in order to reach a reasonable settlement that is beneficial to all Australians (not just organised crime gangs and the developers). Currently we are still facing hardship and ongoing danger while we represent our position to bring about an honest and decent settlement that is within law. We would ask the Liberal party to consider this unfortunate circumstance and to understand that certain legal circumstances can not be avoided. To act within the best interests of Australia the law must not continue to be violated using improper legal processes that are protected by poor legislation and previous associated criminal precedents (re Mike Rann, Michael Atkinson and certain Crown Solicitors that were associated to developments on the Holdfast Bay foreshore and parklands). There are numerous areas where Crown property has been violated that are a part of our dreaming.

Have a prosperous New Year.

Under the circumstances we are facing, happy may not be the right word to use at this time to describe the coming events. Probable escalations of gangland wars and further troubles and violence while people battle for control; re stolen turf. For what its worth :)
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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dreams so I wont forget

Dream: my uncle Rodney Arthur (Mothers brother) and my father were walking around with plastic bags=like street people=In the dream I was advised that I would have to represent them=speak on their behalf
Both my father and uncle are indisposed due to illness. This dream has dissolved previous business hatreds and conflicts as I now have to act for them and must do that without bias. Others associated may not be trust worthy to assist with the management of ongoing business.

I dreamed that there were lots of small whiting under the boat=I new i could catch them but they were not legal size. I saw a whiting that was injured and deformed=I took it and gutted it because it was dying anyways. Others were approving of that.

This dream=the small fish are not ready for harvest but a sick one I removed=approval was given to cull an unwanted stock. I will have to Wait a while yet for a final agreement=Ngarrindjeri resources management and environmental/Indigenous habitat protection.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Facebook comments on Indigenous resources uses and rights